
Introducing The Bio.Clear™ Range
Bio.Clear™ is a range of plant and nutrient-based therapeutics to optimise metabolic and eliminatory processes with the health of our microbiomes in mind.

Element Testing: Why Sample Type Matters
Urine, serum, plasma, whole blood, red blood cells, feces, hair, fingernails … the list goes on. How do you decide what biological sample(s) to use for element analysis? Can results …

Food Sensitivity Testing Beyond IgG
The immune system is incredibly complex, and there is a distinct clinical advantage in understanding the key players of the immune system when it comes to food allergy and/or …

Neurotransmitter Testing Clinical Pearls
Dr Kate Placzek from ZRT Laboratory has outlined a series of key concepts in neurotransmitter testing to help understand the patterns found in the Neuroadvanced Neurotransmitter Profile

Female Microbiome | Strain Specific Research
Probiotic strains have very specific functions and should be chosen accordingly. Additionally, some strains should not be put together in capsules or powder due to their incompatibility. It is a …

The Female Microbiome & Urinary Tract Infections | Research
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) can be divided into upper tract infections, which involve the kidneys (pyelonephritis), and lower tract infections, which involve the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis), and prostate (prostatitis). …

The Female Microbiome & Urinary Tract Infection Protocols | Research
Twenty to 40% of women treated for urinary tract infections (UTIs) experience at least one recurrence within six months. These recurrences are often caused by the same bacterial clone that was …

The Female Microbiome | Research
The female urinary microbiomes (gut-bladder-vagina) are a key factor for women’s health. Crucial for a healthy vaginal environment is a specific, but delicate microbial balance, characterised by a low …

Probiotics in Human Clinical Trials | Research
In 2001, the World Health Organisation published a report indicating the health benefits of probiotic supplements. In 2005, the first paper was published that proposed the use of probiotics as an adjunctive …

PROBIOACT® Technology & Probiotic Survival
All ingredients in the Bio.Me probiotic range have a specific function to optimise the stability, survival through the GI tract, and their metabolic activity.
PROBIOACT® stands for probiotic activity. …

Gut-Brain Barrier | Strain Specific Research
Probiotic strains have very specific functions and should be chosen accordingly. Additionally, some strains should not be put together in capsules or powder due to their incompatibility. It is a …

The Gut-Brain Axis | Research
The intestinal microbiota is considered to be associated with the neuro–endocrine–immune pathways, generating the concept of the gut–brain axis. Within this framework, the intestinal epithelial ‘barrier’, plays …