
Gut Health and Microbiome Stool Test
The GI EcologiX profile is one of our ‘hero’ products. From day one, our aim was to produce a gut microbiome profile that represents the ultimate in science, clinical utility, …

Gut Health and Microbiome Standalone Profiles
We hear you loud and clear – sometimes you want to check a particular marker, or set of markers, after your intervention to get an update on your client’s clinical picture …

HMOs as Prebiotics to Reinforce Innate Immune System
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) is one of our key supplements to promote a healthy microbiome for immune health and host-microbiome homeostasis.

Collaboration with University of Reading Strengthens Research and Development Activities in Gut-Brain Area
Winclove Probiotics, specialized in research, development and manufacturing of probiotic formulations, has joined forces with the University of Reading, a global university in Reading, Berkshire, England. This collaboration aims to …

SIBO: An Ecosystem Disorder
Recently we hosted a course on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) with Dr Jason Hawrelak called Demystifying SIBO. True to its name, Dr Hawrelak spoke frankly about the flaws in …

Patterns of Gut Imbalance in IBD and IBS
The markers on the GI EcologiX gut health and microbiome profile were chosen because of the wealth of research and human clinical data on their relation to chronic disease. We …

Faecal Beta-Glucuronidase Testing
What is β-glucuronidase? β-glucuronidase is an enzyme that plays a role in phase 2 liver detoxification, oestrogen metabolism, and carbohydrate digestion. It is produced by us – the host – as well as …

Looking for a product to support gut barrier function?
When is barrier function a relevant clinical consideration?
The importance of an effective physical and immune barrier at the site of host-microbiome interactions cannot be downplayed. Our solution is Bio….

The Mucus Membrane and Microbial Patterns in Clinical Gut Analysis
Humphrey Bacchus offers an in-depth look at the connection between low grade inflammation and the gut.

Introducing The Bio.Revive™ Range
Bio.Revive™ is a range of plant and nutrient-based therapeutics designed to restore homeostasis and optimise the body’s functions.

Vaginal Microbiome Probiotic: Bio.Me Femme V
Bio.Me™ Femme V – Our vaginal health probiotic containing keystone Lactobacillus species

The Science Behind The EcologiX™ Profiles
The methodology, quality and accuracy measures behind the EcologiX™ profiles, and the importance of pattern and context recognition.