GI-Va-Oral Bundle Oral EcologiX™


GI-Va-Oral Bundle Oral EcologiX™



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THIS IS THE BUNDLE Oral EcologiX for GI-Va-Or Bundle

Explore your microbial oral health with the Oral EcologiX™ test – a revolutionary tool that delves into your oral microbiome, a pivotal player in the intricate gut-brain connection and your overall well-being.

Using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) to measure 14 carefully selected microbial markers, the Oral EcologiX™ provides you with precise insights into the composition of your oral microbiota, allowing you to better understand this intricate ecosystem.

Your oral microbiota forms a complex biofilm, showing remarkable stability even in the face of environmental changes. However, certain disruptions, such as infection, injury, dietary shifts, or external factors, can potentially alter this balance. These changes might favour the presence of specific microorganisms.

The transformation of this biofilm community can lead to various consequences. These outcomes may not just be limited to your oral health but might also have an impact on other aspects of your body’s equilibrium.

By recognizing and addressing these shifts, you can work towards restoring balance within your oral microbiome and, in turn, contribute to your overall well-being.

Get curious and become the steward of your own oral health with the Oral EcologiX test.


Sample type: Saliva
Lab: Invivo Diagnostics
Sample type
Invivo Diagnostics

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