Education > Courses > The Brain Microbiome

The Brain Microbiome

Recording of The Brain Microbiome with Dr Marco Ruggiero - 8 Hours

This course contains 4 videos.
This course has no expiry date.


The brain is not sterile. Open your mind to a new and exciting view of human brain evolution and our symbiotic relationship with microbes in this 4 class (8 hours) research-based educational course led by Dr Marco Ruggiero.

Like the rest of our body, the brain is home to bacteria, viruses and fungus, such as yeast and larger parasites such as amoebas. This changes the clinical landscape of many conditions, including autism, neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and chronic inflammatory response syndromes (CIRS). It also forces us to consider the ‘mind’, ‘self’, and ‘agency’ blurring the lines between science and philosophy.

Join Dr Ruggiero as he unravels the latest research in these remits, elucidating our relationship with microbes in the brain, and the aetiology and pathogenesis of these increasingly common conditions, opening the way for novel treatments.


I: An Introduction To The Brain Microbiome & Evolutionary Implications

To understand the role of the brain microbiome in brain and mind function and how it contributed to the evolution of the human brain.

To learn about the role of the brain microbiome in the evolution of human speech.

II: The Brain Microbiome & Autism

To understand the role of the brain microbiome as it relates to autism spectrum disorders.

To learn about the role of the brain lymphatic system in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders and in the imbalance of the brain microbiome.

To learn about testing and therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring the alterations of the brain microbiome that are associated with autism spectrum disorders.

III: The Brain Microbiome & CIRS

To understand the role of inflammation in altering the brain microbiome.

To understand the role of microglial cells in the immunology of the brain and how they relate to the brain microbiome.

IV: The Brain Microbiome, Neurodegeneration & The Ageing Brain

To understand the role of the brain microbiome in neurodegenerative diseases, as well as in the normal ageing of the brain.

To learn about testing and therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring the alterations of the brain microbiome that are associated with neurodegenerative diseases and normal ageing of the brain.


  • Dr Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD

    Dr Ruggiero graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Firenze in 1980. He has a PhD in Molecular Biology and returned to the University of Firenze as Professor of Molecular Biology until his retirement in 2014.

    Dr Ruggiero’s main research interests are in the fields of oncology, neurosciences and immunotherapy. Two recent peer-reviewed papers – co-authored by Dr. J. J. Bradstreet – describe the neurological alterations in the brain of autistic children and elucidate the aetiology and pathogenesis of autism opening the way for specific treatments.

    The observations by Ruggiero, Pacini and Bradstreet open new ways to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and brain ageing.

    In 2017, together with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, he developed a revolutionary procedure denominated the “Ruggiero-Klinghardt Protocol” (RK Protocol) that represents a paradigm change with profound implications for diagnosis and treatment of chronic conditions ranging from silent infections to neurodegenerative diseases, autism and cancer. The RK Protocol represents a quantum leap in medical diagnostics and therapeutics.