Tools To Restore Your Oral Health


Research indicates the below as particularly beneficial for oral health.

Wellmune® (Beta Glucan) & BLISK12® (Streptococcus salivarius)


Naso-oral-pharyngeal health is an aspect of the paediatric patient that is often overlooked until certain conditions present, such as otitis media (OM) or tonsillitis.

OM, or inflammation of the middle ear, is a frequently occurring condition that primarily afflicts children and is one of the most common diagnoses made by paediatricians. Persistent episodes may result in the need for surgical intervention to avoid potentially serious long-term sequellae, such as hearing loss. 

Research indicates the efficacy of BLISK12® (Streptococcus salivarius) and Wellmune® (Beta Glucan) with regards to the incidence of common childhood and teenage maladies such as bacterial pharyngitis, tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infections and acute otitis media. 

Results of a 2016 study published in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management showed that 88 percent of the group that received BLIS K12® experienced no pharyngo-tonsillar infections compared to only 22 percent of the untreated group. Even nine months after the use of BLIS K12® had been stopped, the development of new pharyngo-tonsillitis infections was significantly lower when compared to the period before treatment. 

Tonsillitis, or inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, is another common childhood malady. Bacterial and viral infections and other immunologic factors can lead to both tonsillitis, OM, and their complications, making strengthening children’s immune defenses a priority, particularly during cold and flu season.

Adults & Athletes

Wellmune® is clinically proven to safely enhance the immune system. Derived from a proprietary strain of yeast, Wellmune® helps mobilise billions of innate immune cells to enhance the body’s defense. Beta Glucan has been shown to reduce the incidence of URTIs in susceptible individuals, increase salivary IgA even in healthy individuals, and induce beneficial changes in immunological parameters in patients with allergies. Another group that may particularly benefit from beta glucan as a prophylactic is athletes. Compared to those given a placebo, athletes supplemented with beta glucan showed strengthened immune function, including small but noteworthy increases in salivary IgA, and decreases in the number of days experiencing cold and flu symptoms during 28 days following a marathon.

BLIS K12® has been clinically validated in several trials among them, nearly 20 studies on ears, nose and throat illness show the effectiveness of BLIS K12®. 

BLIS K12® reduced the incidence of bacterial sore throats and OM by 92% and 40%, respectively, while in another study prophylactic administration of S. salivarius K12 to adults who had a history of recurrent oral Streptococcal pathology significantly reduced the number of episodes of Streptococcal pharyngeal infections and/or tonsillitis.


Like probiotics in the human intestinal tract, beneficial flora in the mouth is critical to maintaining an oral environment conducive to healthy teeth and gums. An imbalance of oral bacteria and poor dental hygiene can lead not only to cavities and gum disease, but also to elevated levels of inflammation in the body causing heart disease and other inflammatory conditions.

Results of a study published in May 2010 in the online British Medical Journal showed, after adjustment for established risk factors, that participants who reported less frequent tooth brushing had an increased risk of heart disease compared with people who brushed their teeth twice a day. Participants who had poor oral hygiene also had increased levels of CRP and fibrinogen.

An important preventive measure is to rebalance the oral bacteria along with good dental prophylaxis (teeth and gum cleaning). Indeed a recent pilot study, published in October 2017, concluded that toothpaste containing Dental-Lac (Lactobacillus paracasei), xylitol and glycerophosphate is effective in the reduction of Streptococcus mutans biofilm.


The catalytic capabilities of silver in the formation of Ag4O4 (non-colloidal), mean a single, high-energy particle goes back and forth at high speed, destroying pathogens before returning. Ag4O4 is water-soluble, rendering it unable to penetrate fats. Because of this, it cannot harm good bacteria, such as lactobacillus, which include a milk-like fat surrounding the bacteria, or other healthy cells in the body which contain a lipid membrane, unlike the thin cell walls of pathogens.

Silver has been shown to provide a whole host of health benefits, from killing drug-resistant bacterial strains to inhibiting viral replication as well as stimulating stem cell production