Sibo Testing New Partnership With Aero Diagnostics

SIBO Testing

Aerodiagnostics breath tests assist healthcare providers with diagnosing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

Aerodiagnostics performs quality control analysis on all specimens. Breath test values are corrected by Aerodiagnostics state-of-the-art solid state sensor technology and scientific algorithm for CO2 content in the samples to ensure true alveolar air capture.

They also take their quality control a step further by participating in blind proficiency tests external to Aerodiagnostics and they calibrate their machines to validate individual PPM gas values. These quality checks provide additional assurances on the tests’ accuracy and guards against potential variations in shipping and environmental influences. Ultimately, this equates to better patient outcomes.

As with all of our laboratory testing partnerships, Aerodiagnostics also offer expediated results, so you can expect a quick turnaround time of 3-5 days.

Typical Hydrogen (not Hydrogen & Methane) breath tests are often offered during work hours in clinics or hospitals. With Aerodiagnostics, you receive a hydrogen and methane breath analysis test kit for easy and convenient sample collection.

Additionally, Gary Stapleton (CEO) will be on hand for technical support to ensure all your questions are answered and you feel fully comfortable with SIBO testing. Invivo’s own support team are always on hand as well.


Aerodiagnostics offers hydrogen & methane breath testing for those seeking highly accurate results, convenient specimen collection, and a world class customer service approach.


SIBO Testing

The Hydrogen Breath Test (or HBT) is used as a clinical medical diagnosis for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and common food intolerances. The test is simple, non-invasive, and is performed after a short period of fasting (typically 8-12 hours). When testing for conditions like Lactose Intolerance, Fructose Intolerance and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), studies have demonstrated the importance of Hydrogen (H2) and Methane (CH4) production. These indicated that more than 30% of healthy adult subjects produce Methane in addition to – or instead of – Hydrogen. This increases the ability for clinicians to review the most comprehensive results to best aid them in their decision of how to best relieve patients IBS or other gastrointestinal symptoms.

What is Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO):

Like the name suggests, SIBO is where bacteria enter your small intestine and begin to colonise. Studies have indicated that potentially up to 80% of patients with IBS may in fact have SIBO, which a Hydrogen/Methane Breath Test can easily, and non-invasively, help determine.

Common symptoms and reasons to test for SIBO include:

Risk factors for the development of bacterial overgrowth include:

Dysmotility, anatomical disturbances in the bowel, including fistulae, diverticula and blind loops created after surgery, and resection of the ileocecal valve, gastroenteritis induced alterations to the small intestine, as well as the use of certain medications, including proton pump inhibitors.

What does testing Hydrogen and Methane tell you?

When some bacteria digest and ferment food substances, they produce acids, water and gases. The major gases which are produced by bacteria include carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and small concentrations of aromatic gases. Carbon dioxide is produced by all cells during metabolism, but only bacteria can produce hydrogen and methane, as metabolic by-products, and this is accomplished primarily by bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen. So, if either hydrogen or methane are produced biologically, it tells us that some food substance is exposed to bacterial fermentation.

Most of the bacteria contained in food are killed by stomach acid, so the small intestine usually has very little bacteria; however, bacteria colonise in high concentrations in those with SIBO. Consequently, this can interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Gases which are produced in the colon are reabsorbed and equilibrated with the blood. They appear in the lung and cross the capillary membrane into the alveoli, from which they are expired during breathing. This alveolar air can then be collected and analysed.

Click to Order SIBO Tests

How to collect your breath specimen: