Implementing Gi Map Stool Testing In Clinical Practice

FREE WEBINARImplementing GI-MAP Stool Testing in Clinical Practice

GI-MAP Stool Testing

Learn how to assess overall gastrointestinal health by comprehensive molecular evaluation of the GI microbiome, gut inflammation and mucosal immunity, and digestive function. Diagnostic Solutions Lab offers the first FDA approved platform for the comprehensive evaluation of GI pathogens using molecular/PCR based techniques. In addition to the assessment of bacteria, protozoal, and viral pathogens, the lab also employs this technology to assess opportunistic and beneficial organisms. This is the true diagnostic solution for evaluating gut health.

This educational webinar is designed to enlighten the clinician with:

  • When should the GI-MAP be considered?
  • Interpretation of the microbiome, digestive function, and immune and inflammatory markers
  • Diet and supplement recommendations based upon abnormal results
  • Environmental triggers that cause autoimmunity
  • Case study presentations using GI-MAP stool analysis

Dr Michael Jurgelewicz

Dr Michael Jurgelewicz DC, DABCN, DCBCN, CNS

Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz has a B.S. degree in Health & Wellness, a B.S. degree in Anatomy, and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is board certified in nutrition by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, and a Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and an active member of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition’s Examination Board. Dr. Jurgelewicz is the Managing Director, Clinical Research & Development at Designs for Health as well as an adjunct clinical instructor for the renowned Master’s in Human Nutrition program at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. He also maintains a private practice specialising in functional medicine and is the author and contributor to several professional publications. His academic training and clinical experience in functional medicine over the past 12 years position him as an authority in the management of a variety of chronic health conditions.

Designs for Health