Designs For Health

Since 1989, Designs for Health has been the health care professional’s trusted source for research-backed nutritional products of superior quality. By providing comprehensive support through our extensive product line, ongoing clinical education, and practice development programs, we are able to maximize the potential for successful health outcomes. Our wide array of added-value services not only set us apart, but indicate the depth of our commitment to you.

Jonathan and Linda Lizotte, RD, CDN, founded Designs for Health in 1989 with a local team of nutritionists. Managing 22 Northeastern offices, the company’s initial focus was to provide nutrition counseling services for the treatment of a variety of health conditions. The success of this endeavor grew, as did the demand for nutritional products to satisfy the specific treatment needs of the company’s clinical nutritionists.

Realizing that a genuine need existed for a line of nutritional supplements designed by health care professionals, for health care professionals, Designs for Health focused its efforts in this direction. Of utmost importance to the health professionals served by Designs for Health was — and still is — quality ingredients, efficacious doses, and company integrity.

The formation of a Designs for Health branded supplement line led to mass requests from clinicians for further education and support. Advanced training courses were offered, dealing with nutritional approaches to chronic disease. To better serve its customers, Designs for Health responded in 1996 by directing its resources toward the establishment of 3 primary divisions: Professional Products, Research and Education, and Practice Development.

With its roots in education, Designs for Health remains committed to providing the latest scientific nutrition research via innovative seminars and conferences. To this day, nutritionally-minded clinicians with ongoing clinical experiences shape the direction of the company.

By holding itself to extremely high standards and delivering results, Designs for Health has established itself as one of the fastest growing manufacturers and distributors of nutritional supplements, selling exclusively to the health professionals market.

Led by a talented and committed team of professionals whose ultimate goal is to help people lead healthier lives, Designs for Health delivers on its promise to provide the highest quality nutritional products available — and the dedicated relevant support needed to ensure optimal results.

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