Books Top 10 2018



In no particular order


Wilful Blindness; Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril by Margaret Heffernan

This book could be described as both inspiring and depressing. Margaret Heffernan writes about central human problem of wilful blindness. It is about how we knowingly decide to blind ourselves from seeing the truth or the issue and problems in our path. This exploration of the psychology behind our wilful blindness can help us make better decisions in the future, including with those we hold dearest, guide businesses that need to make more ethical decisions while helping humanity be fairer, kinder and more humble.

Humphrey Bacchus

willful blindness


Missing Microbes; How Killing Bacteria Creates Modern Plagues by Martin Blaser

I love this book as it really addresses our paradigm of over-treating microbes, and the devastating consequences that not only does it have on us, but our environment. I would have to say it has changed the way I work as a clinician around infections such as helicobacter pylori, and is really making me think hard about my impact on both my internal microbiota, as well as the environment at large.

Debbie Cotton

(+ Kate Newton & Sue Camp)

missing microbes


Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Dr Kelly Turner

Taken from conversations with people that have overcome cancer, Dr Kelly Turner discovered nine main themes, common to all the cases of “radical remission”. It is also a great book to remind us that there are many aspects to being healthy.

Kate Newton

radical remission


Lore of Nutrition; Challenging Conventional Dietary Beliefs by Tim Noakes and Marika Sboros

In December 2010, Professor Tim Noakes was introduced to a way of eating that was contrary to everything he had been taught and was accepted as conventional nutrition ‘wisdom’. Having observed the benefits of the low-carb, high-fat lifestyle first-hand, and after thorough and intensive research, Noakes enthusiastically revealed his findings to the South African public in 2012. The backlash from his colleagues in the medical establishment was as swift as it was brutal, and culminated in a misconduct inquiry launched by the Health Professions Council of South Africa. The subsequent hearing lasted well over a year, but Noakes ultimately triumphed, being found not guilty of unprofessional conduct in April 2017.
In Lore of Nutrition, he explains the science behind the low-carb, high-fat/Banting diet, and why he champions this lifestyle, despite the constant persecution and efforts to silence him.
It’s a truly inspiring read.

Sue Camp

lore of nutrition


The Body Keeps the Score; Mind, Brain & Body in the transformation of Trauma by Bessel Van der Kolk

This book has to be my all time favourite book on helping people to understand the impact that trauma (both with a big T and a little t) can have on an individual, and it helps to look outside the box of ways to heal from the experience.

Debbie Cotton

body keeps the score


Griffin & Sabine; An Extraordinary Correspondence & Sabine’s Notebook In which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin and Sabine Continues by Nick Bantock

Both are stunning, innovative visual novels where the stories unfold in a series of letters and postcards. They highlight the beauty of letter writing and make you reminisce of what it was once like to open “love letters”; the anticipation of getting each one in the post, the wonder of what the letter would contain, how it would be decorated, the recognition of distinct penmanship that would automatically make you feel connected in a way no text could simulate. It is the exposure of who the person is, their vulnerabilities and hesitations that become hallmarks of their style. The art is fabulous and reminds me of how I used to write letters myself.

Deirdre Nazareth

Griffin and Sabine


Braving the Wilderness; The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone by Brene Brown

This is a really inspiring book for anyone that has felt like they don’t ‘belong’. Brown writes “true belonging requires us to believe in and belong to ourselves so fully that we can find sacredness both in being a part of something and in standing alone when necessary.” Braving the wilderness is being true to yourself, having a strong back to uncertainty and criticism, but a soft front to everything life brings.

Lucy Rothwell

braving the wilderness


The Inflamed Mind; A Radical New Approach to Depression by Edward Bullmore

This book is a different addition to the neurotransmitter theory of depression, and really challenges the idea that depression is a disease of the mind, but one of the body-mind. In a no-nonsense, medical model he discusses the importance of inflammation as a trigger and mediator of mental illness, and calls that we need to change the way we think about treatment and drug development going forward. I think this is a seminal work that is challenging our paradigms.

Debbie Cotton

inflamed mind


Home Grown; Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconnecting With the Natural World by Ben Hewitt

I have been home educating my two kids now for two years, and this book has been a constant source of inspiration. Spirit, wild nature, the rhythm of daily life in the natural world, skills-based learning and physicality all course through this story from a family in Vermont. It has helped me immensely in nurturing more meaningful relationships among my friends and family as well as immersing myself in nature with my children.

Humphrey Bacchus

home grown


Braiding Sweetgrass; Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

This is such a poignant, beautiful book. Part self-reflection, part plant science, Robin discusses the synergy of plants with the use of traditional American tales, scientific experiment and the natural world. For anyone interested in the dynamic interplay in our ecosystems, or if like me, you are a plant geek, this is a sublime read.

Debbie Cotton

braiding sweetgrass

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