Mothers Milk Dha Testing

This webinar will cover the Mother’s Milk DHA (MM-DHA) test, a measurement of breast milk DHA levels from a dried milk spot. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid present in breast milk that is an important component of an infant’s growing brain and eyes. DHA levels in breast milk vary widely based primarily on the mother’s DHA intake, which corresponds strongly with fish intake or DHA supplementation. Measuring the MM-DHA level provides the mother with the knowledge of how much DHA she is providing for her infant, as compared to worldwide norms.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what the Mother’s Milk DHA test is to patients and/or colleagues
  • Understand how to use the test kit to get a Mother’s Milk DHA test result
  • Cite the research supporting the accuracy of the Mother’s Milk DHA test
  • Assess the value and utility of the Mother’s Milk DHA test based on research in mothers and infants

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Available Mother’s Milk DHA Tests

  • Ultimate Package – Om3Index + MM-DHA
  • Mother’s Milk DHA