Debbie Cotton Joins Invivo

The Growing Invivo Family…

We are super excited to announce Debbie Cotton, MA (Integrative Psychotherapy), ND, BHsc, as a member of our support team.

I am very excited about joining the team at Invivo, for a multitude of reasons. I have a deep belief that education is an important step towards empowerment, so I am thrilled to be working with a company that holds such high aspirations in this area. I have worked as a naturopath, relational body psychotherapist and health lecturer for many years, and it is wonderful to be working with a company that can appreciate and utilise my broad skill set.

One of the things that really drew me to Invivo was their commitment as a company to embody the naturopathic principles that are professionally and personally important to me, so it has been in no way a compromise to my personal ethics to come on board. The fact that they are moving towards becoming more sustainable with BCorps accreditation, as well as welcoming more cutting edge and scientific advancements, fills me with hope that we can make a wider influence in the health community and our society.

Debbie Cotton