Books Top 10 2017



In no particular order


Your Life In My Hands: A Junior Doctor’s Story

This is a beautiful, poignant, heart-warming ode to the NHS and the challenges it, and its doctors, face right now. It’s a motivating call-to-action on keeping the NHS free at the point of delivery from a passionate mother and doctor.

Your Life In My Hands, Rachel Clarke

Your Life In My Hands, Rachel Clarkeyour life in my hands


The Art of Fermentation: An in-depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around The World

This is like a history book. It’s a geek out on the worldwide practices of fermentation in all its glory. Vegetables, meat, bread and alchohol – it’s all covered. Not the most practical, but a go-to reference point.

The Art of Fermentation, Sandor Ellix Katz

The Art of Fermentation, Sandor Ellix Katzthe art of fermentation


Little People, Big Dreams

I bought the “Amelia Earheart” book for my 2 year old this year and absolutely loved it. There’s also books on Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Coco Chanel and Maya Angelou. They’re beautifully illustrated and it’s great to know that she is already learning about kick-ass women who changed the world. Now whenever she sees a picture of a lady with red hair she says ‘there’s Amelia!’ – Belinda Gilbert

Little People Big Dreams, Isabel Vegara

Little People Big Dreams, Isabel Vegaralittle people big dreams


Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do

It’s not surprising that civilisations come together around rivers, sea ports and land next to oceans. What people often forget is the huge healing capacity that water and the waves have on broken bodies, broken spirits and broken minds. I’d love the “aquatic ape” theory to be true, however controversial, because of my love for water. – Humphrey Bacchus

Blue Mind, Wallace Nichols

Blue Mind, Wallace Nicholsblue mind


Honor Thy Symbionts

Short, thoughtful and funny essays by the anthropologist and human food project founder, Jeff Leach. In essence it examines what it means to be human, by looking at our ancestors to modern primates and humans, in the light of the microbiome.

Honor Thy Symbionts, Jeff Leach

Honor Thy Symbionts, Jeff Leachhonor thy symbionts


When Breath Becomes Air

This is a moving autobiography of a father, son and neurosurgeon, dying of cancer. Written once the illness had taken hold, it reflects back on life, love and work. The stories, memories and reflections are told with refreshing clarity. Being brought closer to death, brings you closer to living.

When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi

When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithiwhen breath becomes air


The Hidden Life Of Trees

You won’t look at a tree in the same way again after reading this beautiful book. Peter Wohlleben’s passion is infectious and you’ll just want to head straight out into the woods to explore! In this book he walks us through the communities and families of trees, how they support each other’s growth, sharing nutrients and mitigating environmental stressors as a group. The vast ecosystem that is created via their symbiotic relationship with fungi is akin to our own symbiotic relationship and evolution with microbes. Fascinating. – Lucy Rothwell

The Hidden Life Of Trees, Peter Wohlleben

The Hidden Life Of Trees, Peter Wohllebenthe hidden life of trees


The Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned From Patagonia’s First 40 Years

I give this book to new team members when they join Invivo. It’s about how business and community can be a power for good. It’s about purpose, sustainability, the planet and people. This book provided the catalyst to going for B Corp Certification in 2018. – Humphrey Bacchus

The Responsible Company, Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanley

The Responsible Company, Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanleythe responsible company


Diabetes Unpacked

All contributions to the book were given for free to raise funds for the foundation. The aim of the authors was to provide unconventional thinking on this serious condition.
Authors include Dr Jason Fung, Dr Zoe Harcombe, Dr Malcolm Kendrick, Professor Tim Noakes and Dr David Unwin. They discuss the science and solutions in this highly recommended book. – Sue Camp

Diabetes Unpacked, Various Authors

Diabetes Unpacked, Various Authorsdiabetes unpacked


Tribes; We Need You To Lead Us

In his characteristic way, Seth argues for, and champions, those who don’t want to be sheep. To break away and find your tribe. To do incredible things. An easy, but inspirational read. – Louise Joyce

Tribes, Seth Godin

Tribes, Seth Godintribes

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